Stumbling across

I came across a “tcpdump > wireshark” video from Hack3rCon 2010.  Kenneth Scott, a.k.a. pwrcycle, goes through an excellent primer for tcpdump and shows off his ridiculous “screen” ninja skills.  Check it out if you haven’t seen it already.

After watching this video and having my mind blown, I asked why have I not been to before?!?!  I was amazed that a resource like this even existed and I wanted more of it!

This lead me to start digging into their “Megaprimers” section.  Topics include: Metasploit Framework, Exploit Research, Windows/Linux Assembly, Buffer Overflows, etc.

I have just started the Linux Assembly Megaprimer and am loving it so far.  The videos are easy to digest and follow, while beginner to intermediate concepts are taught along the way.  *Please note that this is one of the three recommended primers to view before moving on to Exploit Research.

I am coming to find that I really enjoy learning about exploit development,   so I signed up for an Intro to Exploit Development workshop next week.  I feel more confident having been able to get a head start on some of the concepts that will be covered, thanks to SecurityTube!

So if you haven’t visited, what are you waiting for?!  Go check them out now and start increasing that skill-set.  🙂